Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assess the impact of the Iranian revolution on Middle East politics Essay

Assess the impact of the Iranian revolution on Middle East politics - Essay Example Shi’ite Islam was declared as the state religion and widespread reforms, covering nearly every department of the state, were introduced. This also resulted in the restructuring of the foreign policy of this company. The new leaders of the state had a whole new perspective for the world, especially their neighboring Middle Eastern states. This new foreign policy was to change the face of Middle Eastern Politics forever. To analyze this new order of politics, we must have a proper insight of the foreign relations between Iran and the other Middle Eastern countries. The first country that may come in mind is Iraq (Menashri‎, 2001, p.‎46). After the dismissal of the Shah of Iran, Shah Raza Pahlavi, who was always considered as a liberal Shah who had ‘strayed’ the people of Iran from the true path of Islam, there was a sudden change of the international views of Iran. This also inducted a huge change in the local policies between countries, such as Iraq and Iran. With the Iraq-Iran war between 1980 and 1988, there was a focus towards the Kurdish factor between the two states. This gave rise to a Kurdish conflict between the two states which was promoted by both of the states. Iraq promoted the movement known as the KDPI (Kurdish Democratic party of Iran) to function inside the Iranian territory at different spots which included Nowdesheh and Qasr-e-Shirin. KDPI was supplied with weapons and various military arms throughout the war and wanted to develop liberated zones inside the state of Iran (Bernard, 1995, p.‎428). Similarly, Iran also indulged in a Kurdish movement as a counter retaliation against Iraq. By 1983, they started funding Kurdish parties such as KDP (Kurdish Democratic Party) and PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) to function inside the Iraqi Premises and cause various un-settlements within the state. This threatened Baghdad

Monday, October 28, 2019

Unresolved Issues in The Odyssey Essay Example for Free

Unresolved Issues in The Odyssey Essay Homer would never have willingly chosen to end the Odyssey at book 23, line 343. The Odyssey cannot be concluded here because Odysseus has not finished everything he set out to do and the reader is left hanging. At this point in the book Odysseus is still facing the threat of repercussion for his actions. Until Odysseuss rule is secure, the ending is unsatisfying. It is also not possible for the Odyssey to have an entirely happy ending if Odysseus isnt brought together with his father, Laertes, who has mourned him throughout his long absence. One of Odysseuss main incentives for returning home is that he wishes to be reunited with his father, Laertes. Odysseus learns to appreciate the value of home and family even more during his long journey. When speaking of his desire to go back to Ithaca while he is still in Phaiakia, Odysseus asks, Where shall a man find sweetness to surpass his own home and his parents? (book 9 line 34-36). If the book ends before Odysseus has reveals himself to his father, then Odysseuss goal of seeing his family again has not been completely fulfilled. His father is consumed with grief about his missing son. Laertes is not taking care of himself at all; he is sick and emaciated from sleeping on the ground in the mud and not eating. In the hierarchical mindset I dont think you could leave the king (Laertes is still king until he dies) or a father in that condition and not face wrath from the gods. The Greeks had tremendous amounts of respect for elder family members and it doesnt make sense that Odysseus, who is supposed to be extremely generous, would let his father suffer after he returned home- its too cruel. In terms of number of pages the journey home is not really that big or significant, while ousting the suitors and restoring right at home is huge. The focus of the book is on what Odysseus did once he got home to accomplish that goal- rather then how he got to Ithaca itself. Odysseus comes home, and murders the suitors, but that only resolves some of his problems. He still has the families of the suitors to contend with, for there is a very good chance that the Akhaians will not accept Odysseus as king again after he has murdered a good number of the high-ranking men in town. Before the book ends, it is essential that Odysseus make peace with the families of the suitors and reunite with his father, Laertes. If the Odyssey were to end while Odysseuss power was still in question the main goal would not be accomplished, and the book would be incomplete.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Suicide: The Motives And Inner Thoughts :: essays research papers

People commit suicide because they feel they have no other choice or way to handle their problem. They feel that this is the only way out. Everyone knows this but everyone doesn’t know what goes through a persons mind during and after they decide to make the absolute decision.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Last year on the night of the Halloween dance, a student from Washington High had a terrible fight with her boyfriend. She saw him kiss another girl at the dance and became enraged. The first thing she did was try to talk to him about it in a calm rational manner, but being the inconsiderate jerk he was, he ignored her and walked away every time she confronted him. As the night came closer and closer to ending, the more depressed she became. It wasn’t her fault he hurt her but as much as her friends tried to help her, she became more depressed and angry with her boyfriend. There was absolutely nothing anyone could do to make her realize that she didn’t need him to be happy, after all, there were never any happy moments shared between the two during the relationship. She just didn’t want to let go of him. When she started to leave that night things just got even worse. He stopped her in the parking lot to tell her that he was going to tell everyone that she was a â€Å"whore† and that he would make up any story he wanted to in order for people to believe what he was telling them. (They hadn’t even had a sexual relationship.) Her friends drove home with her and told her to cheer up as she got out of the car. For the first time since she was born, her parents weren’t home to comfort and protect her. This is when she decided to end her problem for good. She took off the costume she wore to the dance, took a shower, and put on comfortable pajamas. She thought to herself â€Å"If I’m going to die, I may as well be comfortable.† As she went down to the kitchen, all she could think about was the cruel things, her now ex-boyfriend, said about her. He had always been degrading to her but this time he went too far. She could still hear him screaming at her an kept reliving the moment, in her mind. She got her mother’s heart pills and a glass of water to prepare for her death. She kept praying to God to help her find some other way to deal with her problem.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Work as a Volunteer Nurse Essay -- Contribution to My Community Serv

My community service work at County Hospital is to care for the rudimentary needs of each patient. My goals are to provide inspiration during the healing process, teach kindness and compassion, and discover my own abilities for empathy. "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I'll try again to tomorrow (Mary Anne Radmacher)." My hope as a volunteer is to help each patient find that voice, find that courage to go forward. It is easier for patients find that voice when they know that somebody cares. Many patients are exhausted and unable to perform the simple rudimentary tasks that are part of a normal daily routine. As a volunteer, most of my time is spent assisting patients in hygienic tasks as well as reliving physical pain by helping someone change positions or rubbing a patient's back. I realize that this might not sound appealing to some, but it means everything to the patient and that's what is important. I believe that with every experience, there is a lesson to be learned. While volunteering, the nurses taught me how...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Citizen Kane in a Century

The film most likely to be seen and reviewed one hundred years from now is Citizen Kane. The reason Citizen Kane will most likely withstand the next century above the others is the timelessness the concept of the film carries. Based on the media tycoon William Randolph Hearst, the film conveys the sense that the media is controlled by the few with the most money and the most power, a concept that lends itself especially well to film in terms of plot development and tension. Plot and tension garner a large audience that might not otherwise be united on what makes a successful film.For instance, Welles’ use of then-innovative cinematic techniques might be the wedge between an average movie-goer and a film critic, but the use of these techniques added dimension to the plot and tension in ways that previously been unexplored. Now seen as part of the cinematic canon, low camera angles make Kane’s character appear larger-than-life, adding to the dramatic tension. Facial close -ups also added to film’s mood, as the audience became enmeshed in the complexity of the characters and what happened to them.The use of flashbacks was also innovative, telling a story onscreen in a then-unconventional way, adding layers and giving the audience cues into the nature of Kane’s rise to the top of the journalism field, the power and wealth it allowed him, and the crushing fall the fickleness of the media to which he was pushed. Citizen Kane will survive the coming century because it broke ground in narrative technique as well as cinematic creativity, paving the way for all the other films viewed this semester. Martha Stewart: The New Kane?Citizen Kane updated for the times would ambitiously look at the rise, fall, and subsequent rise of home-decorating mogul Martha Stewart. The star would be Cate Blanchett, as she would fit the role physically as well as act the role remarkably. Hilary Swank would play Stewart’s daughter, Alexis, and her husband, An dy, would be Robert Downey Jr. Extensive research would be done, of course, to make the parallels between the real life person on which the film is based and the fictional character representing that person.The title character would be Ruth Helen Kane so as to keep the original film title in tact, to keep the parallel somewhat acute (Stewart’s middle name is Helen), and to play on the word ruthless. The film would be shot using the same cinematic techniques in the same way as Welles used in his original film—heavy use of flashbacks, facial close ups, low camera angles, extended and uninterrupted scenes, subjective use of lighting, and focus shots. The difference would be that the film would not end with the character in jail, but would follow the steady rise back into her original position of power.Martha Stewart as subject would testify to the short attention span of the public today, as well as insinuate that power and wealth make everyone forget the past, alluding t o the 1984 Orwell ominously warned us about. This remake of the 1941 classic film would stay true to the original in the exploration of power and corruption but resonate with audiences today because of the obsession with celebrities and a desire to see them disgraced. Personality and CharacterWoody Allen is a personality star because he never breaks away from the same persona—an eccentric, extremely intelligent, inherently nervous New York Jew. His performance in Annie Hall cements his status as the eccentric, intelligent, nervous New York Jew because he says so throughout the film and throughout the others he writes, directs, and stars in. William Holden is a character star because he plays a believable Max Schumacher, and watching the film I see Max, the character, not Bill, the leading man.Compared to Annie Hall, where I see Woody, the writer/director/actor, rather than Alvie, the character, Holden’s performance makes me see the character, not the actor. Dustin Hoff man is another character star. His Ben Braddock recalls a vivid sense of youth that anyone can relate to, and Hoffman plays him so well that it would be easy to see Hoffman as Braddock in subsequent films were Hoffman not an excellent actor. Billy Bob Thornton is yet another character star, delivering one of the best performances of all the films this semester.The seeming detachment from emotion Karl breathes is conveyed in a clean, authentic manner, making Thornton more of a vessel for the character rather than a messenger. Robert Duvall is a character actor through and through. His characters in Apocalypse Now, Network and even in The Conversation are different from each other, and his long list of credits reveal that Duvall remains a diverse actor in a variety of roles. He does not come off as pigeon-holed into an actor playing the same character in different roles.Narrative in Annie Hall and Citizen Kane Annie Hall begins at the end of the relationship, with Alvie talking direct ly to the audience about his relationship with the title character, Annie Hall. The story is told through the use of flashbacks of Alvie’s previous relationships and his childhood, told often as if he is himself telling Annie these flashbacks. Such a scene occurs specifically when he and Annie go to Coney Island with Alvie’s friend and Alvie is telling Annie about his mother and father and family.The present Annie and Alvie walk in to the past Alvie’s home to look in on past Alvie’s parents and family and house. The scene cuts through the narrative barrier in flashback and brings the presents visibly into the past rather than separating the two. Allen uses the flashback in this way to show how people are forever bound to the past and carry it with them as if they always lived in it. Citizen Kane also relies heavily on flashback to tell its story and begins much the same way Annie Hall does, at the end of the story, Kane’s death.The audience sees Ka ne die, learns that he has in fact died via newspaper media, and then systematically learns about the road to his death. The reporter sent to investigate the man behind the mogul uncovers the life of Kane, told via the people who were closest to him. The use of flashback works especially well in learning how Kane came under guardianship of Thatcher, and the flashback is revealed via Thatcher’s memoirs rather than Thatcher himself. Such use of flashback reveals how much information is attained when first-hand sources are unavailable.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bag Lady essays

Bag Lady essays Bag Lady, an original musical composition was composed and created, not for hire, by Erykah Badu words and Dr. Dre music (original melodies and sequences sampled). Erykah Badu describes her hook as Baduizm; all about shedding emotional baggage and holding onto you. Craig Seymour further describes this sing along, the part of the song that the audience can participate in and sing along with the singer, as not an anthem about down and out. Bag Lady is a prime example of the wonderful healing powers of music, lessons in lyrics and a message in the music. This is a rhythm and blues song with a jazzy flavor; a Billy Holiday-like delivery. The song contains a musical hook that changes throughout the song. The hook is the catchy part of a song. It is the repetitious part that is implanted in your mind after hearing a song just once, its the musical phrase that everyone remembers, it is the line you just cant get out of your head. There are at least three hooks in the song. In Bag Lady, Erykah introduces the musical hook to the song in a very subtle, sublime but effective manner so as to reel in the listener very early. The song is patterned so that it allows the listener to get a quick grasp of the song on the initial listening, to remember it easily and feel a part of it. Even though the music is melodic and repeats itself over and over again, the words or lyrics are constantly changing, reestablishing or reinforcing the theme repeatedly, for example Bag Lady you gon hurt your back, pack light, and is you, is you. The tempo of the song is slow to mid tempo with an eerie, skipping beat. The instrumentation is simple yet complete. The overall story is told in the verses of the song. The story suggests that there is a better way. The different episodes of the story are told through verses with interesting re...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sally Hemings

Third President of the United States of America and of the nation’s Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, was one of the most accomplished presidents within our great nation’s history. A diplomatic leader, architect, musician, scientist and an inventor, are traits and duties in which Jefferson was emerged . Jefferson has been nicknamed â€Å"Man of the People† and that he most definitely was. Born on April 13, 1743 to Peter Jefferson and Jane Randolph on their Shadwell Plantation in Albemarle County, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson was born into opportunity. Bother of his parents were leading citizens, his mother came from a leading Virginia family and his father was a successful landholder and explorer. They were capable to provide their son with excellent educational opportunities and no financial burdens, let alone did they know that their hard work would soon create an American president. Jefferson was given an excellent education throughout his youth, by way of private education. He emerged himself in his studies learning Latin and Greek, and then going onto attend William and Mary in Williamsburg Virginia, all this by the young age of 17. Jefferson was a brilliant scholar and while he studied, he was surrounded by the colonial capital and was able to the ways in which the government operated. During this period in time, Jefferson was at an age when most young men were inclined to be married. His appearance was tall and lean, sandy-haired, and appeared strong. He was a friendly man, some could find him awkward or stiff when first meeting but, he was genuine and kept many friends. Jefferson studied law and was admitted to the bar at the age of 24. Although, law only provided for part of his earnings, he earned much of his wealth by the income from his lands. This wealth was increased, when he married Martha Wayles Skelton in 1772. Jefferson owned over 10,000 acres of land, and from 100 to 200 slaves. A... Sally Hemings Free Essays on Thomas Jefferson, Relationship W/ Sally Hemings Third President of the United States of America and of the nation’s Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, was one of the most accomplished presidents within our great nation’s history. A diplomatic leader, architect, musician, scientist and an inventor, are traits and duties in which Jefferson was emerged . Jefferson has been nicknamed â€Å"Man of the People† and that he most definitely was. Born on April 13, 1743 to Peter Jefferson and Jane Randolph on their Shadwell Plantation in Albemarle County, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson was born into opportunity. Bother of his parents were leading citizens, his mother came from a leading Virginia family and his father was a successful landholder and explorer. They were capable to provide their son with excellent educational opportunities and no financial burdens, let alone did they know that their hard work would soon create an American president. Jefferson was given an excellent education throughout his youth, by way of private education. He emerged himself in his studies learning Latin and Greek, and then going onto attend William and Mary in Williamsburg Virginia, all this by the young age of 17. Jefferson was a brilliant scholar and while he studied, he was surrounded by the colonial capital and was able to the ways in which the government operated. During this period in time, Jefferson was at an age when most young men were inclined to be married. His appearance was tall and lean, sandy-haired, and appeared strong. He was a friendly man, some could find him awkward or stiff when first meeting but, he was genuine and kept many friends. Jefferson studied law and was admitted to the bar at the age of 24. Although, law only provided for part of his earnings, he earned much of his wealth by the income from his lands. This wealth was increased, when he married Martha Wayles Skelton in 1772. Jefferson owned over 10,000 acres of land, and from 100 to 200 slaves. A...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Value vs. Vanity Marketing Metrics With Andy Crestodina From Orbit Media

Value vs. Vanity Marketing Metrics With Andy Crestodina From Orbit Media Marketers have unprecedented access to marketing measurables. They’re inundated with data. So, which marketing metrics matter the most? Today, we’re talking to Andy Crestodina, co-founder and chief marketing officer of Orbit Media Studios. Also, he’s the author of Content Chemistry. Andy believes that the most visible marketing metrics are usually the least useful. He identifies and ranks metrics that matter. Inverse correlation between the visibility of a metric and its importance/success Metrics correlated with business success are difficult to get and require analysis Social, Search, and Email Metrics: Easy-to-see metrics that offer low to medium importance that correlate to business success Easy to see which post gets the most traffic, but it takes analysis to calculate conversion rate from visitor to downloader/subscriber/registrant per article Critical Metrics: Revenue, margin, profit, utilization, and capacity are difficult to measure, but are critical to business success Rather than trying to get reviews, try listening to your customers to make them happy enough to give testimonials and referrals Deliberately seek out sales, revenue, invoice, leads, and other critical metrics Look at your own biases as a marketer; deeper down you go in your funnel, the more impact of each action Best ways/tools to track metrics include UTM campaign tracking codes and Google Analytics; avoid influencer marketing Links: Orbit Media Studios Content Chemistry A Guide for Content Marketing Metrics: The 37 Most (and Least) Useful Metrics SEMrush Google Analytics Garrett Moon at Content Marketing World Barry Feldman QuickBooks How To Avoid The Most Costly Mistake In Influencer Marketing With Shane Barker [AMP 115] Write and send a review to receive a care package If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Andy Crestodina: â€Å"The problem is that those super visible metricsare the ones that are the least closely connected with business success.† â€Å"We tend to overvalue things that we can easily find. The hardest-to-find stuff is where we should be focused more.† â€Å"I don’t think you should start by trying to get reviews. Start by trying to listen to your customers.† â€Å"We all have to look for our own biases as marketers. The deeper down you go in your funnel, the more impact each action has.†

Saturday, October 19, 2019

One of the most acknowledged artists, Tony Cragg Essay

One of the most acknowledged artists, Tony Cragg - Essay Example The essay "One of the most acknowledged artists, Tony Cragg" discusses the Tony Cragg's career in arts and visual communication and analyzes his work, philosophy, and interactions with the wider society. Tony Cragg started his career in Britain as a laboratory assistant. His main duties in the laboratory involved testing, manipulating and developing various categories of rubber. Cragg took these duties while he was still an art student and therefore he utilized his artistic skill in all experiments that he conducted. Using his drawing techniques, he was able to express his experiment to an understandable level. His background in science is also considered to have contributed to his imagination and creativity. In 1970, Cragg joined the Wimbledon College of Art before he proceeded to the royal college in London. After completing his studies at Wimbledon, Cragg moved Wuppertal in Germany where he continued with his work in visual art. While in Germany Cragg utilized found materials such as broken glass, toys, plastics and metal pieces to produce his works. In 1980, tony Cragg began using bronze and iron as his major artistic materials. He also used other materials such as wood, polystyrene, and steel to cast bronze and iron. Due to complexities in his work, Cragg preferred producing all his sculptors using his own hands. Cragg had a team of assistants who assisted him with his daily work and requirement in his studio. His early forms took from his experiences and encounter with experimental work.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Calculation of Decreasing Return to Scale Assignment - 16

Calculation of Decreasing Return to Scale - Assignment Example Assume that K=5 and L=4, therefore, F (K, L) =K+L ²=5+ (4) ²=21. Supposing that K is increased by one unit and L is reduced by 1 unit, such that the new K=6 and the new L=3. The new output will be; F (K, L) =K+L ²=6+ (3) ²= 15 units. The rate of growth increases upward starting from point M up to a stable state point b where it remains constant and starts declining slowly towards the Right (Jones, pp.165). c).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If A grew at a constant rate, GDP will consequently grow because as one of the input is increased, GDP increases. d). Consumption reduces savings and investment, therefore, if TFP increases economy will grow.     5). a). If investment rates double, GDP per capital would also double because investment has a proportional impact on GDP per capita.   6). a).At steady state, capital stock and depreciation are offset. Dk=0 i = sy = s f (k) Where i=investment, and =depreciation (Jones, pp.175-180) Dk =s* f (k) – dk At steady state=2648billions-8%Ãâ€"2648billion The steady state capital stock for the economy=$2436.16 b). 2648billions-20%Ãâ€"2648billion=$2118.4 c). Dk =s* f (k) – dk   Ã‚  Ã‚  

Organ Transplants Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organ Transplants - Research Paper Example As such, these determinations must be based on fair and equitable criteria, including rate of success, medical need, and length of time on the waiting list. In any case, these criteria have managed to ensure the logical, as well as the unbiased distribution of organs to those who need it the most. Organ Transplants Organ transplants are one of the many innovations in healthcare which are currently gaining popular clinical application. This practice is mostly done in order to replace a failing or diseased organ in the hope of extending and/or improving a patient’s life. This paper shall discuss about organ transplants and related information pertaining to its applications. This essay is being carried out in order to establish a clear and comprehensive understanding of organ transplants and how they apply to the clinical practice. Discussion WebMd (2010) discusses that organ transplants are medical procedures carried out in order to replace a â€Å"failing organ with a healthy organ†. Organs which can be transplanted include kidneys, liver, heart, pancreas, lungs, and small intestines (WebMD, 2010). Not all people can be considered for this procedure and a series of tests have to be undertaken first in order to determine a person’s viability for such procedure. ... Now, many of these transplants are considered routine procedures for hospitals (WebMD, 2010). The rate of success for these procedures are based on various factors, including the organ being transplanted, the number of organs being transplanted, and the disease which causing the organ failure (WebMD, 2010). In the US, there are about 59 organ procurement organizations which furnish deceased donor organs to the transplant centers (Nathan, Conrad, Held, Pietroski, Siminoff, and Ojo, 2003). Out of these procurement groups, 50 operate independently, and nine are hospital-based. The procurement organizations have a connected geographical area which are considered as recovery centers for organs for the various hospitals in the area (Nathan,, 2003). In determining the viability of organ donation, the time, the manner, and the place of the donor’s death are usually considered (POST, 2004). More often than not, organ donors are those whose brain functions have ceased, but whose organs are still viable and are â€Å"being maintained by medical support† (POST, 2004, p. 1). With current improvements in medical care, including the prolongation of human life, the number of these donors, otherwise known as heart beating donors, has decreased (POST, 2004). Other methods of procuring organs have been considered in order to fill in the gaps of organ need and most of the alternatives have been directed towards living donations, mostly for kidneys and livers. Some of these organs have also been retrieved shortly after patient deaths following critical illness and road accidents (POST, 2004). Since 2002, based on federal rules, the designation of the procurement organizations were made

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Law and management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Law and management - Essay Example IMO purpose is established in the ISM Code to reduce damages and accidents during shipping and voyage. Especially in operations of the ship. This code promotes cleaner and safer ships (Anderson, 2003, pg 23). The MV ‘Shields Happiness’ ship requires proper safety management to ensure competence by the crew in the ship. In this scenario between the Hall and South Shields, pollution was caused during voyage because the drip trays had not been cleared of oil and the oil later overflowed in the main deck. If the crewmembers had applied the safety management culture, they would constantly think about improvement and safety of the ship. They would have improved the deep trays by clearing the oil voyage. In addition, the Third Mate would constantly be thinking of safety and would have rechecked whether his instructions were followed. With this safety culture it places a duty on everyone on board to be constantly thinking about the safety of the ship, therefore another crewmember would have noted the discrepancy and cleared the oil on the drip trays, and this would have avoided overflow into the main deck that polluted the sea. Application of the safer culture management method would support and encourage safety in shipping. This method of management is successful if certain factors like commitment, belief and values are instilled to the shipping crewmembers. Such values of safety, if instilled in the maritime personnel, would create a positive impact (Anderson, 2003, pg 44). The second scenario shows that the tanks were not correctly inserted, and the required oxygen was not at the required level that caused a 12-hour delay and this increased costs. To improve the efficiency and performances of the ship by the ship-owner, the method to incorporate would be the organizational culture. This type of culture applies where there is a group of people from and can form their culture. There are two perspectives on it that

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

History - Essay Example This is one of those moments that redefined the status of the country as one of the biggest economic powerhouses of the world. It also brought into existence, a large number of fiscal and monetary policies that have been a guiding light for the other economies. During the period of 1920’s, there was a period of great turbulence as the growth among the various sectors was uneven. The period was marked by fall of the farm prices, whereas the industrial profits grew. There was an inflated stock market, which led to the Great depression of 1929. The unemployment increased from three percent in the year of 1929, to almost twenty five percent by 1925. The production fell by one third. These led to large scale reforms in the American economy in the form of a lot of new path breaking laws (the social security Act, Works progress Administration Act, The emergency Banking Act and the Economy Act) (Bordo et al, 1998). World War II The World War II was one of the most defining moments in the history of the United States. Categorically, America had always tried to stay away from the war and had tendered its ideological support to the allies. The main contribution of the US to the war was resources, men, money, and ammunition. That actually triggered to the rise in the GDP.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Law and management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Law and management - Essay Example IMO purpose is established in the ISM Code to reduce damages and accidents during shipping and voyage. Especially in operations of the ship. This code promotes cleaner and safer ships (Anderson, 2003, pg 23). The MV ‘Shields Happiness’ ship requires proper safety management to ensure competence by the crew in the ship. In this scenario between the Hall and South Shields, pollution was caused during voyage because the drip trays had not been cleared of oil and the oil later overflowed in the main deck. If the crewmembers had applied the safety management culture, they would constantly think about improvement and safety of the ship. They would have improved the deep trays by clearing the oil voyage. In addition, the Third Mate would constantly be thinking of safety and would have rechecked whether his instructions were followed. With this safety culture it places a duty on everyone on board to be constantly thinking about the safety of the ship, therefore another crewmember would have noted the discrepancy and cleared the oil on the drip trays, and this would have avoided overflow into the main deck that polluted the sea. Application of the safer culture management method would support and encourage safety in shipping. This method of management is successful if certain factors like commitment, belief and values are instilled to the shipping crewmembers. Such values of safety, if instilled in the maritime personnel, would create a positive impact (Anderson, 2003, pg 44). The second scenario shows that the tanks were not correctly inserted, and the required oxygen was not at the required level that caused a 12-hour delay and this increased costs. To improve the efficiency and performances of the ship by the ship-owner, the method to incorporate would be the organizational culture. This type of culture applies where there is a group of people from and can form their culture. There are two perspectives on it that

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Literature review Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Literature review - Coursework Example l development to the economic growth and on the other Robinson (1952) and Lucas (1988) opined that financial development at most might qualify as a supplementary condition to economic growth and at times extremely over emphasized. Again, MacKinnon (1973) and Shaw (1973) provide theories on how distortion in financial market hinders growth. The present paper choses to conduct a comprehensive study of empirical literatures on financial development and economic growth nexus related with China; relates the findings with the present theories on the same domain and thereafter moves to reach a conclusion. Shan and Morris (2002) used panel data for 19 OECD countries along with China over the period 1985 to 1998 to test the association between financial development and growth through a VAR model. The empirical result obtained this way depicts weak association between financial development and economic growth and cast doubts on the much celebrated association between the two. The results obtained this way is in tune with the theoretical proposition of Robinson (1952) and Lucas (1988) who have mentioned that financial development can at most be a supplementary condition to economic growth and not the propelling factor for the same. Liang (2005) has developed a theoretical model at first referring that financial intermediaries can affect economic growth. Then the author has empirically tested the model using panel data for 29 Chinese provinces over the period 1990 to 2001 through applying GMM techniques of panel data analysis. The result obtained this way refers to the fact that financial development together with government deregulation in financial sector have contributed significantly and positively to Chinese economic growth. Regarding the theoretical support; the empirical results are in tune with theoretical propositions of Bagehot (1873), Schumpeter (1912), Hicks (1969) and Grossman and Miller (1988) regarding the relation between financial development and economic

Is Price the Only Factor That Determines a Buyers Decision Essay Example for Free

Is Price the Only Factor That Determines a Buyers Decision Essay When consuming products and services, customers pay attention to several factors to make sure that they have made a sensible decision. Perhaps, the very first thing to be taken into account, under some circumstances, is price. However, it should not always be the sole consideration for purchasing decisions. From my point of view, apart from price, there are other determinants that can have a strong impact on a buyer’s decision, namely quality, buyer psychology and commitments that a firm offers its customers. To begin with, it can be said for sure that for most wise consumers, the quality of products or services is remembered long whereas the price is soon forgotten. When people make up their mind to consume something, they definitely want it to be worthy of their money. To be more specific, they are willing to have their ideal products although their prices can, sometimes, be very costly simply because of their durability. Long-lasting products are preferable, especially for careful consumers who are always in pursuit of the stability of the products. From another context, in terms of buyer psychology, many customers are not afraid of high cost to own certain products since not only do the products serve their needs, but they also help them to express their fashion-consciousness and status. For example, fashionable clothes enjoy increasing demand from celebrities every year though the producers set high prices. In addition, pricing low does not always work, even it can be counter-productive because consumers may assume that the products are below normal standards or the firm is going bankruptcy, which may lead to the damage of the company’s image and prestige. Last but not least, commitments to customers that a producer makes are also of great importance. These commitments usually come along with guarantees or after-sales services. Customers may pay higher amount of money for the products, however, in exchange, they are certain that they can have substitutes or indemnities when problems associated with the products happen. In other word, regardless of high prices, consumers are satisfied because they are offered certainty. In these cases, prices are also not the matter. In general, price is a significant factor that affects buyer decisions, but it is not the only determinants. Wise customers always seek for perfection from the products or services; hence, price should only be one of the aspects to be considered.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Image Quality Assessment Techniques Using Gabor Filters

Image Quality Assessment Techniques Using Gabor Filters A SURVEY ON IMAGE QUALITY ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES USING GABOR FILTERS Deepa Maria Thomas, S. John Livingson (DEEPA MARIA THOMAS, ROOM NO 303, DMR RESIDENCE, KARUNYA LADIES HOSTEL, KARUNYA UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE-641114) Abstract-Image quality assessment has a very important role, especially because the impact that the quality of images have on a viewer is significant. This makes it important that visual information is assessed for quality every now and then. Images can be distorted with different types of irregularities like noise, blur etc. No- reference image quality assessment methods does not need a reference image for assessment, this is particularly helpful when there is no reference image available. Gabor filters are efficient is assessing image quality because their frequency and orientation representations is very similar to the human visual system. This is why Gabor filters are used in feature extraction , target detection as well as texture segmentation. This paper is a survey of some of the no- reference image quality assessment methods that make use of Gabor filters in their quality assessment methodology wither for feature extraction or texture analysis. Key wordsimage quality assessment, Gabor filter, no reference quality assessment. INTRODUCTION Images of good quality have come to be of great importance in our day to day life. Statistics suggest that an average person comes across 400 to 600 advertisements in a day. Pictures form a major portion of advertisements. Advertisement is just one area that makes use of images. There are a lot of image quality assessment techniques available today. No-reference image quality assessment (NR-IQA) is one of the types in which the quality is estimated without the use of any reference image, whereas full reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) make use of a reference image for quality assessment. Gabor filter is generally used for edge detection and it has the advantage that the frequency and orientation representations are very similar to the human visual system. Or in other words, the image analysis by Gabor functions is similar to the human perception. A set of Gabor filters with different frequencies and orientations are also useful for extracting useful features from an image. GABOR FILTERS IN FEATURE EXTRACTION Use of Gabor filter is motivated by the fact that they are optimal in time and frequency. In addition these filters can approximate the visual cortex of some mammals as described in [1]. This is why Gabor filters are used in many applications like target detection, image segmentation etc.. Figure 1: Two dimensional Gabor filter Sources: NR-IQA USING GABOR FILTERS No-reference image quality assessment is one of the types in which the quality is estimated without the use of any reference image, whereas full- reference techniques make use of a reference image for quality assessment. Described below are two no- reference image quality assessment techniques using Gabor filters. NR-IQA USING VISUAL CODEBOOK (CBIQ) The first step of this method [2] is codebook construction. It is built by dividing an image into BxB patches. All the constant patches are removed, for the rest of the patches Gabor feature vectors are computed. This is repeated for all the training images. Using this set, with a clustering algorithm the codebook is created. The input image is represented by the distribution of codewords from the codebook. The number of times the codeword is found and each time a nearest neighbor is found, the count is increased by one. If the distance between the vector of the feature and the nearest neighbor is larger than a predefined threshold, then it is considered as an outlier. In a case where a large number of outliers are encountered, then there might be some type of distortion which was not encountered in the training set. This image quality assessment technique is represented as CBIQ (Codebook Image Quality).The quality metric is Qm(I) and is given by, Qm(I)= where, H1(i) is the probability of the occurrence of the code words DMOS(C(i)) is the Differential Mean Opinion Scores of the codewords. NR-IQA BASED ON VISUAL SALIENCY GUIDED SAMPLING (IQVG) This method [3] is a no-reference image quality assessment method based on visual saliency. Visual saliency is what grabs our attention and it makes some parts of the image stand out from the rest. In this method firstly, a sufficient number of patches are sampled for which the mean saliency is greater than the threshold. Next, feature extraction is done by convolving each patch with Gabor filters. Using histograms the features are encoded, this gives an image representation. Using regression methods such as SVR the model can be trained. Finally, the quality of the test image is predicted automatically with a trained model. FR-IQA USING GABOR FILTERS The full reference method of image quality assessment is different from the no reference methods in that it does not make use of a reference image for quality assessment. Described below are two full reference image quality assessment techniques using Gabor filters. FR-IQA USING FEATURE SIMILARITY INDEX (FSIM) In this method [4] firstly, two image extractions are made namely, phase congruence (PC) and gradient magnitude (GM). PC is contrast invariant, this implies that the variations in quality due to contrast differences are not identified by PC. As a result of this, the GM needs to be extracted using gradient operators like Prewitt operator, Sobel operator and Scharr operator. Once the PC and GM are extracted for the reference image and the distorted image, FSIM can be computed to measure the similarity between the two images. The FSM can be calculated by combining similarity measure between images for both PC and GM given by where, is the similarity measurement of PC is the similarity measurement of GM and are positive real numbers The combined similarity is given by = . where, ÃŽ ± and ÃŽ ² are parameters to adjust their relative weightage or importance. Finally, the FSIM measure is given as below FSIM= where, FR-IQA USING PERCEPTUAL METHOD (MIGF) One of the features necessary for good IQA is that it should be consistent with the subjective judgment of humans on the image. In this method [5] first, the features are extracted using a two dimensional Gabor filter which acts as a local band-pass filter with optimal localization properties. Next, divisive normalization transform (DNTF) is performed where the linear transform coefficient is normalized by the energy of a cluster of neighboring coefficients. This reduces the higher order dependencies in the extracted Gabor features. Next, the visual energy information (VEI) for each scale and orientation is given by where, ÃŽ » is the scale, ÃŽ ¸ is the orientation is real part of DNTF is the imaginary part of DNTF Once the VEI is calculated, the mutual information (MI) can be calculated as the difference between the VEI obtained from the reference image and distorted image. MI can be calculated using marginal probability distribution and joint probability distribution. The quality score is as described below Score= where, and denote the VEI of the reference image and distorted image respectively at scale i and orientation ÃŽ ¸. COMPARISON OF IQA TECHNIQUES: The table below shows a comparison between the four techniques described above. It describes the merits and demerits of the four IQA methods. TABLE – 1 COMPARISON TABLE CONCLUSIONS This work provides the comparative study of some of the IQA methods in image processing. The algorithms that were considered were both no – reference and full reference algorithms. All the IQA methods discussed here make use of Gabor filters in one way or another. This paper highlights importance of Gabor Filters in image quality assessment. REFERENCES: [1] Anjali G. (2012), â€Å"For image enhancement and segmentation by using evaluation of Gabor filter parameters.† IJATER, 2, 46-56. [2] Peng Y. and David D. (2014), â€Å"No- reference image quality assessment based on visual codebook.† Feature Similarity Index for Image Quality Assessment.† IEEE Trans. IP, 21, 3129-3138. [3] Zhongyi G., Lin Z. and Hongyu L., (2013),â€Å"Learning a bling image quality index based on visual saliency guided sampling and Gabor filtering.† ICIP, 186-190. [4] Lin Z. and Xuanqin M., (2011), â€Å"FSIM: Feature Similarity Index for Image Quality Assessment .† IEEE Trans. IP, 20, 2378-2386 [5] Ding Y., Zhang Y., Wang X., Yan X. and Krylov A.S. (2014), â€Å"Perceptual image quality metric using mutual information of Gabor features.† Science China Information Sciences, 57,032111:1-032111:9.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Introduction A lot of NCAA division 1 athletes come from poor backgrounds. In fact over 85 percent of college athletes live below the poverty line. Playing a sport in college is appealing to underprivileged athletes because it provides them with the opportunity to receive a scholarship for an education that they otherwise would not have be able to afford (Hayes). However, although they are getting a scholarship, it is very hard for many of these athletes to afford things other than the necessities that are provided to them by their school (Hartnett). One solution is to get a job. Though, finding time for a job between class, practice, studying, traveling and competing can prove to be very difficult. Another option for athletes is to earn money by using their image and athletic ability for profit. However, the NCAA has rules that control many financial actions of student athletes and strictly prohibit them using their image and athleticism for money(NCAA). They justify this control by arguing th at these rules protect the idea of amateurism. Amateurism is when an activity is done as a hobby and not a profession. The National College Athletic Association â€Å"NCAA† believes that amateurism in college athletics is beneficial and thinks that student athletes should not receive any type of payment for being a college athlete (National Collegiate). Ever since its inception, the NCAA has enforced rules that protect amateurism (Treadway). Currently, these rules are causing a lot of controversy. Some people believe that the NCAA is limiting the actions of players so much that it is illegal. Others believe that NCAA rules are just and necessary for maintaining the best academic environment for student athletes. Ed O’Bannon experienced what ... up in the case and convince jurors to decide in their favor (Differences). Once the jurors have seen the evidence and heard the arguments they will deliberate. This is when they come together and discuss the trial. They then must decide whether to find for the defendant or plaintiff (American). If the losing side believes that the case was not conducted correctly they have the right to appeal in the U.S. Court of Appeals (Federal). The O'Bannon lawsuit is a civil case in United States District Court in the Northern District of California. So far, the case is still in the pretrial stage. Judge Claudia Wilken, the District Court judge for the Northern District of California, certified this case as a class action suit after a motion from O’Bannon (McCann). This allows more than one plaintiff to sue the same plaintiff (Roos). The hearing is scheduled for July 2014.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Tyco International Case Study Essay -- Corruption, Unethical Practices

Tyco Corporation Introduction During the course of this paper one will see addressed several issues of responsibilities that the Tyco Corporation must deal with. Some of these issues are ones that they have had to deal with quite recently. The responsibilities that one will see discussed are the legal, social and ethical issues that arise in a company that is nationally known. Legal Tyco provides products and services across the world. The company is global and diversified providing a variety of products including electronics, healthcare, fire and security services and engineered products and services. While employing over 250,000 people worldwide they grossed approximately $40 billion in revenue in the year 2005. In 2002 Tyco was involved with the corporate scandal where the management mis-appropriated corporation funds. The previous CEO Dennis Kozlowski was convicted in 2005 on 22 counts of the 23 that he was charged with. This is an example of not only a legal issue of responsibility but also one of an ethical issue that the Tyco Corporation has had to face. In the face of the legal and ethical issues that this mishap had placed the corporation in, Tyco placed Ed Breen in as chairman and CEO. Mr. Breen joined the company in 2002 after the scandal and immediately began the rebuild of the company’s name. With the appointment of Ed Breen and his changing of the company’s ethical standards (to be discussed in the next portion of the paper) he promotes the legal responsibilities of not only the company’s employees but the responsibilities of the suppliers and buyers to report any wrong doing. This reporting also speaks to the ethics of the Tyco corporation employees as well as those of the companies th... or social responsibility that is owed to a community from a corporation. They have fired the CEO that was responsible for the downfall of the corporation, who is now serving a jail term for his wrong doings, and hired Ed Breen who is diligently working on changing the public’s view of the corporation. Mr. Breen understands that corporation’s worldwide need to make a commitment to do right by the community or suffer the consequences of failing the public and possibly losing business for failing them. Under his direction Tyco is continuing to make strides in regaining the publics trust and growing the company into a nationally recognized socially coconscious name. References

Ederly Parents Should Live in Nursing Homes or Not? Essay

Vietnam’s population is older and older and it is important for young people, especially politicans, to seriously think about the issue of nursing homes. Should elderly parents live in nursing homes or not? Sending elderly parent into nursing homes is the best choice for them in the rest of their lives for three main reasons. First, elderly parents live in nursing homes will be good for their children. Nowadays, young people are too busy. They have o go to work and have no time to take care of their parents. They leave their parents at home lonely for whole day and feel nervous about their parents. Consequently, they can not concerntrate on their work and nursing homes are a good choice for them to send their parents into. Second, when elderly line in nursing homes, they can make friends with the people at the same age. They will fell very happy because they can chat whole day with their friends, do some helpful excercises such as jogging, tai chi, instead of being lonely at h ome when their children go to work. Third, the most important reason, is that nursing homes can provide elderly parents with modern health care facilities. In nursing homes, professional doctors, nurses and high quality equipments are always available to take care of elderly parents. Doctors here also give them a suitable diet which is good for their health. Opponents of sending elderly parents into nursing homes say that elderly parents will fell lonely when they live far from their children and it is also against Vietnamese moral value. However, as stated previously, nursing homes are the place which provide old people with the best health care. Moreover, their children can come and visit them whenever they want. In conclusion, there are undoubtly many benefits to send elderly parents into nursing homes. Most of old people who live in nursing homes show that they live better and happier with their friend here. Sending elderly parents into nursing homes becomes an important issue for both young people and elderly pare nts themselves to think about.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Three Main Learning Styles

There are around three main learning styles. These are visual, which include those who learn by watching and seeing; auditory and interpersonal, including those who learn by listening and discussing; and kinaesthetic or tactile, which comprises of those who learn through activity. For the purpose of this essay I choose to compare my learning style with my classmate, Melissa Horner’s.Melissa Horner’s style is definitely auditory and interpersonal. She learns best within an environment where the teaching is verbal in nature. Even when studying, although Melissa likes a quiet time for study, she will still read aloud to enable her to absorb the information better.My style is different. I would say my learning style falls into the kinaesthetic category, because I find it difficult to be still for long periods of time and learn best when there is a lot of activity around me. I also find that I am very active when I am studying. I need to express myself physically, for exampl e I will use objects such as a pencil to help me whilst I am thinking.The most effective ways in which Melissa can produce the best quality work is by working within a group or class and listening to others explaining the situation. It is also helpful to Melissa to make notes in her own words and them reading those notes aloud so that a full grasp of the subject is achieved. For me to produce the best paper, it is necessary to be active. I do best when I am able to physically explore the subject being discussed.My opinion is that by combining the learning styles of Melissa and myself, we can produce a really effective paper. This can be achieved by utilizing Melissa’s note taking and need for vocalization of a project or study together with my need for activity in study. As these aspects of learning complement each other, the quality of the paper produced would be better than one that is produced using only one of the styles in isolation.Work citedRiding, Richard and Rayner, Stephen (1998) Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies: Understanding Style Differences in Learning and Behavior. David Fulton Publishers Ltd. UK

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tatoo is good Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tatoo is good - Essay Example The tattoos designs are not just restricted to anchors, skulls, and battleships but now, ways and designs have come under findings by the populace as a mean to express themselves. A tattoo that is profound into the skin is a perforate lesion, where needles come under the use to pierce into the skin of an individual and infusion of ink through that needle occurs to make some type of a design. Since the tattoos are deep-rooted into ones’ skin, this attribute of tattoos make them lifelong stay on the body. Initially, hands came under use in operating the practice of tattoo making and there was no mechanical way of doing it, but with the advancement in technology, the tattoo artist makes use of a machine (electric gadget) to make the tattoo. In some remote areas of the world, the practice of making tattoos is still manual. The tattoo making is not a new art, as it has been in practice from scores of generations across the globe. In some parts of the world despite of being popular, is it considered as a symbol of religious and divine dedication, awards or medals of gallantry, sexual attraction or expression of love, lucky or good luck charm, security, and as the marks of outsider, slaves and guilty. Different religions and cultures have different concepts, meaning, and impact of the tattoos and its symbols. In recent years, moreover people make tattoos to express their feeling to their loved ones, whether it be mother, father, siblings, children, or someone special. Even some individuals make tattoos for cosmetic, monument, and magical grounds to get themselves coupled or recognized with a particular social or ethnic group. Tattoo is not a new concept and has been in existence for more than five thousand years. Tattoo is an unintentional invention by a person who got a small injury, and rubbed that cut with the hands full of dirt with fire ashes. The mark stayed on a permanent basis, which came under notice after the healing of the injury. The history of tatt oos reveals the fact that tattoos has been in subsistence since the time of the civilization and has been present in many cultures around the world. Nevertheless, the modern history tells us that tattoos were most common amongst the military personnel in order to distinguish their identities in a particular group. Later on, it became in style amongst the common person (Diman, pp.121-150). People find tattoos, which is, making a symbol or picture on the body, as one of the artistic, unique, and innovative ways to broadcast everybody about the personality and their beliefs. People also use tattoos to express their harmony and shared/common views they have with another group, individual, or thoughts. Individuals even make tattoos in order to commemorate themselves with a significant and crucial incident or an event that is of high importance, value and meaningful for them due to the reason that a tattoo stays perpetually on their bodies. People often use tattoos as a symbol of articula tion and expression. They make tattoos in the form of images or symbols that represents their faith, trust, passion, and obsession. The individual emboss a tattoo on their body when they are confident enough to show their commitment it in front of the world. Few people even use tattoos as a tool to beautify their bodies. They consider their body as an unprinted picture, which with

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Crisis Management unit 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crisis Management unit 3 - Essay Example Their print ad defense was found in a full page ad that read â€Å"Thank You For Suing Us† followed by a 5 paragraph explanation of why the lawsuit was filed based upon misinformation. After the ad was a promise from the president of Taco Bell, Greg Creed that they would prosecute anyone who made or continued to make false claims about the fastfood chain's products (Morrisey, Brian â€Å"Taco Bell Response to Beef Lawsuit: Sarcasm†). The company also took to social media networks Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to help counter the negative publicity by having Creed videotape his statement explaining how Taco Bell uses their beef and how the product is created. A Twitter campaign in defense of Taco Bell was launched using #Beef and #TacoBell. (â€Å"'Thank You For Suing Us': Taco Bell Fights Beef Lawsuit with Full-Page Ads†). Due to the open disclosure strategy that the legal and publicity think tank of Taco Bell developed, the plaintiff(s), represented by Dee Mile s of the law firm of Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis, & Miles were forced to drop the suit in April 2011. While Taco Bell maintains that no deal was agreed upon prior to the lawsuit withdrawal, MIles claims that Taco Bell agreed to change the way they advertise and market their products (Stempel, Jonathan â€Å"Taco Bell Lawsuit Dropped After Dismissal by Plaintiff†). Other restaurants in the past have also faced image crushing lawsuits that were successfully controlled through proper crisis management. One of these cases involves the 2006 lawsuit faced by Rubio's Restaurants Inc. A regular client of the restaurant sued the company claiming that the restaurant was engaged in misleading advertising. The claim was that the restaurant substituted Langostino lobsters for the Maine lobster being used in their lobster tacos and burritos. The company came out of the lawsuit with minimal damage after providing restaurant clients in California, where the case was filed, with cus tomers coupons (â€Å"'Thank You For Suing Us': Taco Bell Fights Beef Lawsuit with Full-Page Ads†). What makes the crisis mitigation of this case different from the others is that the restaurant allowed a ruling to be handed down with the company agreeing to the settlement deal. While admitting guilt, the company also made amends for its admitted errors. Then there was also the case of Wendy's where a woman claimed to have found part of a finger in her chili. Wendy's eventually got the case against them dismissed due to evidence presented in relation to the heat at which the Chili is cooked and the fact that the finger found in the Chili served to the plaintiff, Anna Ayala, was raw. Ayala eventually dropped her lawsuit claiming emotional stress (â€Å"Fast Food Finger Finder Drops Lawsuit†). The plaintiff was instead sentenced to 9 years in prison after a police investigation revealed that she was a serial fast food law suit filer and that the finger found in her Chili was planted by Ayala herself. Wendy's won back their clients and cleaned up their tarnished image through careful and effective public relations campaigns (â€Å"'Thank You Fo