Saturday, October 26, 2019

Suicide: The Motives And Inner Thoughts :: essays research papers

People commit suicide because they feel they have no other choice or way to handle their problem. They feel that this is the only way out. Everyone knows this but everyone doesn’t know what goes through a persons mind during and after they decide to make the absolute decision.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Last year on the night of the Halloween dance, a student from Washington High had a terrible fight with her boyfriend. She saw him kiss another girl at the dance and became enraged. The first thing she did was try to talk to him about it in a calm rational manner, but being the inconsiderate jerk he was, he ignored her and walked away every time she confronted him. As the night came closer and closer to ending, the more depressed she became. It wasn’t her fault he hurt her but as much as her friends tried to help her, she became more depressed and angry with her boyfriend. There was absolutely nothing anyone could do to make her realize that she didn’t need him to be happy, after all, there were never any happy moments shared between the two during the relationship. She just didn’t want to let go of him. When she started to leave that night things just got even worse. He stopped her in the parking lot to tell her that he was going to tell everyone that she was a â€Å"whore† and that he would make up any story he wanted to in order for people to believe what he was telling them. (They hadn’t even had a sexual relationship.) Her friends drove home with her and told her to cheer up as she got out of the car. For the first time since she was born, her parents weren’t home to comfort and protect her. This is when she decided to end her problem for good. She took off the costume she wore to the dance, took a shower, and put on comfortable pajamas. She thought to herself â€Å"If I’m going to die, I may as well be comfortable.† As she went down to the kitchen, all she could think about was the cruel things, her now ex-boyfriend, said about her. He had always been degrading to her but this time he went too far. She could still hear him screaming at her an kept reliving the moment, in her mind. She got her mother’s heart pills and a glass of water to prepare for her death. She kept praying to God to help her find some other way to deal with her problem.

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