Friday, November 8, 2019

Cold War at Home essays

Cold War at Home essays They sometimes say that people most fear what they dont understand! Past and present warfare conflicts have brought a sense of patriotism and American duty to the United States. But in World War II in brought a sense of fear home with it too. In Chapter 11 of American Realities, by J. William T. Youngs, it highlights a point in time where many government officials and other high-ranking personnel used the fear of anticommunism to help benefit their own career and also bring down anyone who dared cross their path. One in particular, Joseph McCarthy, would take his freedom of expression to the highest level and also reveal the urgency behind the anti-Communist crusade. World War II was called The War to end all Wars, and was fought throughout the world, but many people dont realize that America was not only fighting the war on two fronts. One was in Europe against the Germans and the other was in the pacific against the Japanese, but America was fighting a separate war at home against a foe they could not see or find to well for that matter, Communism. McCarthy was the figurehead of support against communism during the cold war, but is now the brunt of punishment and criticism that we tend to give out these days when looking back. His life was the basic model for most Americans throughout this time period and showed the best of the American will to learn and succeed. Reading about McCarthy is an essential tool in understanding the fears that many Americans feared about communism, and the fears they had going against anyone like him. As you can tell I have and will be using the word fear a lot, I do this because it best illustrates the emotions brought out by the author when showing how McCarthys actions affected every person. Now I know it doesnt seem like it but I do believe that the chapter was balanced, oddly enough, in portraying each side. Most of the infor...

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