Saturday, December 28, 2019

Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Emotional Intelligence...

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence Training Programs for Managers in Business Organizations Managers in business organizations have a vital role in helping businesses achieve their goals. They exist in all levels of the organization structure and they motivate groups toward attaining a shared goal. Therefore, business organizations should engage their managers in a process of continuous development for their leadership skills and abilities. There are many aspects to effective managerial leadership that worth researching, but my interest is to further explore the role of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in the workplace. EI is the ability to be aware of one’s own emotions and the emotions of those around him/her in the†¦show more content†¦In order to judge the effectiveness of a certain training program, we need to make sure that the participants gained the intended skills and realized the importance of such skills in improving the workplace. Also we ne ed to discover the obstacles that prevented the participants from developing such skills after taking part in the training program. Research can be utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of EI training programs for managers in business organizations. One way is to examine the experiences of participants in such programs: Did the training meet their expectations? What benefits they acquire? How did they view EI before the training and did their views changed afterwards? What were their thoughts on the applicability of the acquired EI skills in the workplace, the perceived strength and weaknesses of the training, and what would they do differently if they were to design the training? To best capture the experiences of the managers who participated in the EI training, a researcher need to use a qualitative approach. The managers are assumed to hold different perspectives on the EI training they participated in, and the researcher should discover the meaning of that experience through a close interaction with the participants. Therefore, a phenomenological approach to the research would be a good fit. According to Creswell (2007), a phenomenological study â€Å"describes the meaning for several individuals of their lived experiences

Friday, December 20, 2019

Universal Studios Distribution of Despicable Me 2 Essay...

Mass Communication in the Marketplace: Despicable Me 2 Despicable Me 2, an animated film distributed by Universal Studios and Illumination Entertainment in July of 2013 grossed $970,065,385 world-wide (BoxOffice, 2014). The film was a success for its distributors and was nominated for an Academy Award in 2014 for Best Animated Feature Film. Chris Meledandri, who is the president and CEO of Illumination Entertainment, has an exclusive working agreement with Universal Studios and does the production and animation work on feature films (Barnes, 2011). Universal Studios will be considered the main distributor of the Despicable Me 2 film and will constitute the bulk of the research completed for this paper. Universal Studios Hierarchy†¦show more content†¦Comcast controls multiple NBC and MNBC news outlets, which provides an example of horizontal concentration of media (McQuail, 2010). Additionally, Comcast has the ability to develop film projects with NBCUniversal, from funding and design to filming and finally distribution and home market delivery with the cable portion of the company making it a vertical concentration as well (McQuail, 2010). Another vertical aspect of the company is the Internet delivery of film and television through the NBCUniversal company, Hulu (NBCUniversal, 2014). All of this media content is supported by Comcast’s technical portion of the company which provides cable equipment and technology to deliver the content to its customers (Comcast, 2014). Comcast and NBCUniversal provide products and services in a concentrated market due to the addition of the addition of Telemundo and their production services (NBCUniversal, 2014). The Latino communi ty has a wide variety of Spanish speaking cable channels as well as the most prolific Spanish production company, Telemundo (NBCUniversal). Supported by the technical offerings of Comcast and NBCUniversal, Telemundo offers programming of feature films, game shows, soap operas, and situation comedies exactly like all of the English speaking networks that Comcast offers in their cable lineup, this is another example of vertical integration with Comcast contributing the funding,

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ibsens plays Essay Example For Students

Ibsens plays Essay It is true that a major concern of Ibsens plays is the development of characters. However, the fact that A Dolls House has a backdrop in the form of a flawed society suggests that society dictates the ways in which characters mature.  Take the character Nora as a starting point. Torvald defines her character precisely when he says things such as: Is that my little sky-lark chirping out there? (1). At the start of the play, Nora is just an object to Torvald. The fact that she laughs and plays along with what can only be described as insults and teases, shows the audience that she is a weak character unable to amount to much. However, as the play progresses, we start to see hints that suggest Nora is not as marginalised as she first appears. Torvald says: My little sweet tooth surely didnt forget herself in town today? (5). The fact that she looks Torvald straight in the eye and lies about not eating the macaroons shows that she does have the potential to be subversive and stretch herself beyond what is accepted by her husband: I assure you Torvald! (5).  Nora then later on says to Mrs Linde: But little Nora isnt as stupid as everyone thinks. (9). Again, this sentence reveals just a little bit more about her character and shows that despite Torvalds teasing, she is capable of more than being his little squirrel or sky-lark. Eventually, we learn exactly what Nora has been keeping under wraps from Torvald, she says: I was the one who saved Torvalds life (13). By revealing this dark secret of hers, we learn a great deal about Noras character. The fact that she thought to borrow the money (a concept surely unthinkable to most women of this time) shows that she is intelligent and at the same time courageous for being willing to break the law out of love for her husband. The way in which she pays back the loan is also quite admirable,  I have had some other sources of income, of course. Last winter I was lucky enough to get quite a bit of copying to do. So I shut myself up every night and sat and wrote through to the small hours of the morning. Oh, sometimes I was so tired, so tired. But it was tremendous fun all the same, sitting there working and earning money like that. It was almost like being a man. (16) Her years of secret labour, which she has undertaken to pay off the debt, show Noras fierce determination as well as ambition. The last sentence: It was almost like being a man also reveals more about her character, she enjoys and longs to experience the power and freedom which men can experience, which is perhaps a catalyst for her later actions.  In the final scene, when all is revealed about Noras loan and her secret toil, Torvalds response is to shun Nora and blame her for tarnishing his reputation: Now you have ruined my entire happiness, jeopardised my whole future. (76). As far as Nora is concerned, this moment in the play is the turning point for her. Her mistreatment and urge for transgressive behaviour which have been kept under control by her throughout the play finally overpower her and she finally awakens to what is happening around her,  I have been performing tricks for you, Torvald. Thats how Ive survived. You wanted it like that. You and Papa have done me a great wrong. Its because of you Ive made nothing of my life.  This moment is powerful in terms of the revelation of Noras character, she will no longer be marginalised and she can finally be free from Torvalds tyranny. .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd , .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd .postImageUrl , .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd , .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd:hover , .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd:visited , .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd:active { border:0!important; } .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd:active , .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5f964ba15d4b7d22e41ff77f7b6a73fd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Crucible' wrote by Arthur Miller EssayTorvald is another character who is gradually revealed throughout the play. He begins as a domineering and forceful husband and although he tries to maintain a hold on Nora, he is later revealed to be a weak and self conscious man. Nora hides the fact that she is the reason he is still alive and Dr Rank will not let Torvald visit him on his death bed because he believes: Torvald is so fastidious, he cannot face up to anything ugly. It is almost as if Torvald is like a child, unable to face up to the truth and as a result he must be sheltered from the realities of life. The idea of Torvald being uncovered as a childish character comes into play again later on when he reveals the reason he objects to working with Krogstad.  We knew each other rather well when we were younger. It was one of those rather rash friendships that prove embarrassing in later life. Theres no reason why you shouldnt know we were once on terms of some familiarity. And he, in his tactless way makes no attempt to hide the fact, particularly when other people are present. (43)  With this speech, Torvald shows just how immature and petty he actually is, sacking somebody on the basis that they are too friendly and not his equal. Torvald rejects Noras plea that he keep Krogstad on at the bank because of his self consciousness and concern at what others might think of him should he give in so easily to his wifes requests.  Oh, nothing! As long as the little woman gets her own stubborn way! Do you want me to make myself a laughing stock in the office?Give people the idea that I am susceptible to any kind of outside pressure (42)  This act of selfishness shows that he prioritises his own reputation over his wifes desire. The character of Krogstad is another which is gradually revealed in the course of the play. As the plays antagonist, Krogstad appears as a villain at first, but we later see that he, like Nora has been wronged by society and has also contemplated suicide as a way out: Most of us think of that to begin with. I did, too; but I didnt have the courage (53). Although the revelation of his character is not as clear as Noras and Torvalds, there is still a change in him from the beginning. We as the audience are compelled to feel at least some sympathy for him, as he tries in vain to salvage his reputation in order to save his children from hardship. In conclusion, it is fair to say that a major concern of Ibsens play is the revelation of characters, however, we cannot ignore the criticisms of society which are without a doubt present in his works. In A Dolls House, Ibsen shows us how Nora transforms herself from a submissive and marginalised housewife, to a free and independent woman, while Torvald loses the power he thought he had. Perhaps it is because of society that people can only gradually reveal their characters. Nora longs to say damn, but because it is seen as socially unacceptable to say it, she must refrain. Ibsen could be seen as criticising societys boundaries because they stop people from expressing themselves.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Business PEST Analysis Foreign Investment

Question: Describe about the Business PEST Analysis for Foreign Investment. Answer: General overview India which is mostly and commonly known as the republic of India is mainly identified for its cultural diversity and democratic approaches. The country is chiefly famous for its unique business proposals and proper customer dealings. From past many years, the country is continuously showing constant growth in the GDP due to which the chances for the growth are increasing simultaneously. The foreign investors and different organizations come up with their definite business proposals to make a suitable investment in the country. The report defined here is mainly related to the foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade policies in context to India. For defining the different perspectives related to the FDI, the major sections which are covered in this report are defined below: - Pest analysis is defined which helps in defining the suitable business environment of the concerned company. Natural resources and factor endowment will assist in defining the suitable sources for the FDI. Foreign currency exchanges and its impact. Trade policies, system barriers and incentives will be helpful in showing the appropriate policies related to the investment. At last, suitable summary along with some recommendations for the current aspects have been mentioned. PEST Analysis The PEST analysis is identified as the method to analyze the macro environment of the specific country. It is not only helpful in providing the suitable macro environment, but by the help of this, the evaluation of the whole environment can be identified easily. The suitable table to show the PEST analysis is defined below: - Political The political aspects of the country are totally dependent on the views and ideologies generated by political leaders. Being a democratic country, the policies and rules of the country are comparatively different and precise as compared to the other countries. The influence of government, semi-government and private aspects are identified in different respects (Srivastava, 2014). The taxation system of the country is also well developed and distinguished in a suitable way. The different taxes are income, services and sales tax. Economic The economic aspects of the country are improving continuously since the year 1991. The liberalization in the trade policies and changes observed in the foreign licensing is identified as the major source of financial and economic aspects. The marvellous improvement in the GDP of the country is clearly visible which is helpful in defining the major aspects related to the growth and development. Social The social and cultural aspects of India are widely distributed. The country try to provide flexibility to different types of trade and policies. The social aspects of India are continuously changing and to manage these aspects, the rapid changes are observed on an initial level. Technological Technically, the country is getting sound and these technical aspects may also help in improving the trade ventures related to the organization as well (Contributor, 2014). The improvement in the technical aspects like 3G and 4 G will be helpful in promoting the beneficial aspects of online trading. By the help of this, the foreign ventures can easily be introduced in the existing market. By the help of PEST analysis defined above, the current scenario related to the trading environment of India can be identified. By this, the suitable trade can be conducted in the correct way and right direction. For the new ventures and approaches, the proper scenario also gets cleared, by which the foreign investors can able to plan their specific strategy simultaneously. National resources and Factor endowment The national resources and endowment factors are identified as the most effective catalyst which is helpful in introducing the suitable changes in the current trends of trading. There are various national resources and factor endowment provided in India. The specific discussion for both the aspects is defined below on an individual level. The wide ranges of national resources are available in India. To strengthen the trading perspectives and to generate the possible outcomes from the external trades, these national resources are identified as the most supporting factors. The metallic ores, zinc ore and different type of valuable resources are helpful in opening the doors for the foreign direct investment in the country. With the help of these investments, the trading aspects also get improved on an initial level. Other than this, there are also some specific lands, forest and other sources identified which can able to contribute in the appropriate operating of business in a possible way. There are different sources of oil and gases discovered in India, which assists in supporting the FDI on the large scale (Harrison, 2007). The factors endowment is the structure which includes the multi variation elements that are helpful in case of production with the help of specific resources. These resources are defined as land, labor, capital and investment. These factors simultaneously help in increasing the trading perspectives of India. The most specific factors endowment which helps in generating competitive advantage in comparison to the other countries are identified as the geographical aspects, demographic, psychographic aspects and aspects related to the political stability. There are various historical data available, which may help in defining that the introduction and usage of suitable endowment factors will be helpful in upward shifting of the production function. By this, the quality of product will get improved and improved towards the lower to higher quality. These natural resources and factors endowment not only helps in providing suitable assistance to the business, but also give tough competition to the competitors too (Prakash Anand, 2014). The other countries like UK, US, Australia and Sri Lanka are equipped with the great resources and factors endowment. In that scenario, these aspects of India will be helpful in providing the appropriate developmental aspects. Foreign currency and exchange influence The foreign currency and exchange influences the economic and financial aspects of India in both the positive and negative way. With the influence of foreign currency, the economic perspectives of the country are improving with a rapid rate and by doing suitable exchange of money; the financial aspects are also getting strengthened. Apart from this, some of the combined influences are shown below in the form of specific points: - The depreciation of the foreign currency will directly influence the exporting aspects of products. Indian investors sometimes are not able to generate the proper profit as required by them. In this scenario, the purchasing of raw material should be defined properly. The floating exchange rates are identified as the key cause for the depreciation and devaluation of the product. This will also reduce the actual cost of product. It is recommended that constant rates should be defined for the suitable exchange. The exchanges in foreign currency exchange also affects the GNP of the country due to which the price level may also change simultaneously. According to the suitable graph and developmental curves, it is also identified that the depreciation in currency of any country will also reduce the current value of product in the existing market. There are also various changes which are observed constantly in the economic and financial aspects of the country. These factors are responding both in the positive and negative directions. But, the changes and fluctuations may also create an influence in the present economic scenario of the country. Trade policies and system barriers and incentives Every country possesses its specific trade policies. To perform trading, these policies are considered as the milestone for the growth and development. Similarly, India also possesses specific trade policies for suitable execution in a proper mode. As FDI is discussed in this report, so the trade policies for the foreign are defined here on an initial level. The two foreign trade policies are defined which are identified as the double the percentage of shares in the next five years and adaptation of effective aspects to provide the suitable results. The short term objectives of the system are to decline these suitable trends in every possible manner. The revision of the global policies and improvement in the management aspects are identified as the long term target (Centre for Public Policy Research, 2015). The system barriers are also there which influences the systematic approach related to the foreign trading. The greatest trade barrier in the business of export and import is related to the tariffs and custom duties that are imported on the products which are purchased from foreign (Gujral, 2014). The trading aspects are quite different and due to imposing of different type of taxes, the cost of product will be raised three times more than the actual cost of the product. Due to this, trading aspects wont be fulfilled in an easy way (Gupta Pursell, 1998). The incentives are identified as the different perspectives for performing the suitable trading. But due to changing scenario, the incentives are also changing continuously to perform the appropriate trade. The requirement of consistency is required on the wide level. Existing level of Foreign Direct Investment The current scenario of the market and policies for performing suitable business task states that the condition of the foreign direct investment is comparatively more developed and well maintained. But, to identify the suitable evidences related to the growth of the country, the further fruitful studies are required on an initial level. The industries, sources and the developmental growth in 5 years are defined in the description shown below. The wide ranges of industries are performing suitable process of FDI. In fact, most of them are successful in providing suitable assistance and output to the economic and financial aspects of country, but the major ones are the hotel and tourism industry, non-banking financial companies and telecommunications (Miglani Das, 2015). The individual discussion for all the industries is defined below with the specific details. These business perspectives are helpful in contributing in a definite way. The hotel and tourism industry is improving with rapid rate. Not only the Indian hotel chains are expanding with wide speed, but the foreign investors are also expanding their business in India by an appropriate implementation of FDI. The hotel and tourism industry is also strengthening their brand value with the help of FDI. FDI will be helpful in providing the most specific aspects related to economy too (Jayachandran, 2013). The non-banking financial companies of India are also influenced by FDI in India. The influence flows in the positive direction. The NBFC are specialized in providing the suitable loans, shares and personal assistance related to the financial aspects to their specific clients. There are various foreign banks like Barclays, Credit Suisse and Royal Bank of Scotland which are expanding their roots of business and personal assistance for the Indian customers. Similar to the hotel and tourism and non-banking financial companies, the telecommunication industry is also getting benefit from the FDI. There are various aspects which may help in providing the most appropriate direction for involvement of foreign companies in India. Various telecommunication companies are expanding their trade through FDI in India and also succeed in appropriate contribution too. These companies are also providing the appropriate assistance for the wide range of services. The different Apps and applications are identified for the definite services to the customers. Similar to the major industries, some measurable sources of FDI are also identified in India, which are considered as the major source of stability and other financial aspects. The sources are identified as the FDI in the small scale industries (SSIS) of India, civil aviation in India and the exchange commodities involvement in the country. These sources are identified as the most recommendable aspects which are defined on an early stage. These aspects can also able to provide the most remarkable results too. The trading phase of the small scale industry is also changing with an involvement of FDI. Their products are also distributing on the large scale which will be help in providing monetary aspects too. Defining the existing scenario of India to show the Foreign direct investment (FDI), the suitable developmental and growth, a chart is shown below which will also help in showing the suitable assumptions. (Capital Mind Team, 2016) Summary and recommendation based on assignment The assignment basically defines the FDI on the basis of different perspectives. On the basis of this, an appropriate strategic research is also conducted which help in providing different output too. There are various sections defined above which helps in highlighting various sources and industries related to FDI. This will assist in showing the definite type of research perspectives. A suitable influence of the FDI on the economic and financial aspects is also displayed with the help of this report. On the basis of their particular report, the appropriate guidelines and recommendations are also provided to manage the effect of FDI in a proper way. Some of the major recommendations are defined below: - For improving the FDI, it is essential to improve the manufacturing aspects too. The services provided by the country are good, so the major focus should be targeted on manufacturing part. The suitable transparency and consistency is required while making the appropriate policies in a suitable direction (Shamim Ranga, 2016). It is always kept in mind that FDI is the source of income, but the unemployment and poverty cannot be eradicate with it. So, suitable measures should be planned accordingly. By adapting these policies and procedures, the suitable aspects can be defined accurately. References Capital Mind Team, 2016. % Change in FDI inflow since 2001, Available at: Centre for Public Policy Research, 2015. Indias trade barriers: an analysis with reference to tariffs and customs procedures, Available at: Contributor, P., 2014. PESTLE Analysis of India in five Steps, Available at: Gujral, R., 2014. Foreign Trade Policy, Available at: Gupta, A. Pursell, G., 1998. Trade Policies and Incentives in Indian Agriculture: Methodology, Background Statistics and Protection and Incentive Indicators: World Bank Publications. Harrison, A., 2007. Globalization and Poverty: University of Chicago Press, Available at: Jayachandran, G., 2013. Impact of exchange rate on trade and GDP for india: A study of last four decade. International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services Management Research, September.02(09). Miglani, S. Das, K., 2015. India frees up foreign investment in 15 major sectors, Available at: Prakash, S. Anand, S., 2014. Impact of Growth on Factor Endowment and Structure of Indias Trade. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, Sep.-Oct., 5(5), pp. 53-66. Shamim, M. Ranga, M., 2016. IndiaS Foreign Direct Investment: Current Status, Issues And Policy Recommendations, Available at: Srivastava, D., 2014. Society and politics. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 03(02).